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On the 9th of August, the launch ceremony for the Public Security Micro-Short Drama Thousand-Episode Initiative and its inaugural production, the micro-short drama "Mobile Unit," was held at the Beijing Broadcasting Mansion Hotel.


The Public Security Micro-Short Drama Thousand-Episode Initiative marks the first time that short dramas and micro-short dramas will be used to portray authentic stories and characters from public security work, with plans to release them on major video platforms. Thanks to the support of various parties, the creative team behind "Mobile Unit" has immersed themselves in the daily lives of public security officers to gain a firsthand understanding of their work, uncover compelling real-life events, refine story details, and accurately depict the characters involved. Their aim is to produce a high-quality drama that highlights the extraordinary achievements of the "Mobile Unit," enhances the image of public security officers, deters criminal activity, and promotes legal awareness among the general public.

It is noteworthy that the initiative has chosen Sichuan as its base, providing a model for the creation of public security-themed crime dramas in the province. This move is expected to further invigorate the local film industry and drive the development of more refined and professional public security-themed productions.


Wang Ying, General Manager of Yunsheng Pictures (Beijing) Co., Ltd., believes that micro-short dramas, with their diverse content, fast-paced narratives, and engaging plots, have gained increasing popularity among audiences. He envisions the Thousand-Episode Initiative as a small but significant step towards a grand vision, one that will continually nurture quality original IPs, which can then serve as rich material for future mid-length, full-length dramas, and feature films, all having been tested by the market.

"Mobile Unit" is the first IP to emerge from the Public Security Micro-Short Drama Thousand-Episode Initiative. The series centers around the Mobile Unit of the Rongcheng City Criminal Investigation Brigade, depicting the dedication and selflessness of veteran and new detectives alike. In this new era, they leverage advanced technology and innovative thinking to uphold the eternal oath of Chinese criminal investigators.


With the introduction of the Thousand-Episode Initiative, over the next five years, it is anticipated that no fewer than 1,000 episodes will be produced and distributed across the country, garnering support from both traditional media outlets and new media platforms. As the initiative progresses, additional formats such as mid-length and full-length dramas, as well as theatrical releases, will be developed, offering comprehensive and multifaceted portrayals of the public security sector.



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