影剧资源 娱乐八卦 饰演毛主席的特型演员王霙病逝,享年66岁


On August 26th, industry insider Yu Yong disclosed that Wang Ling, the renowned character actor known for his portrayals of Mao Zedong, passed away at 22:53 on the evening of August 25th, 2024, in Wuxi after a battle with illness. He was 66 years old. A farewell ceremony is scheduled to take place at 8:20 AM on August 29th at the Wuxi Funeral Parlor.


Wang Ling's extensive career and contributions to Chinese cinema have left an indelible mark. As a member of the Communist Party of China, a celebrated performing artist, and a national first-class actor, he held numerous prestigious positions including President of the China Film Association's Actors Guild, membership in the China Drama Association, the China Film Association, the China Film Performance Art Society, the China Television Artists Association, and served as a retired cadre of the National Theatre of China. His notable roles include performances in films such as "Autumn Harvest Uprising," "My Long March," "Mao Zedong in 1925," "Red Cradle," and "Jinggang Mountain."



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