影剧资源 娱乐八卦 葛斯齐再爆猛料:2017年大S就撇下孩子单吃韩餐讨好具俊晔!


On August 20th, during a livestream, Ge Sqi disclosed that DaS had been in contact with Zhang San for quite some time, even revealing footage from 2017 of her dining alone on Korean cuisine.


In 2021, it was Zhang San himself who revealed the details of his stay at the Century Hotel in Hangzhou with Wang Xiaofei.

Back in 2017, DaS was spotted dining alone on Korean fare.

In his recent livestream, Ge Sqi elaborated further, stating that in 2017, DaS left her children in the care of Huang Chunmei and two nannies to enjoy a meal of Korean food by herself.

Netizens were quick to comment, questioning just how eager she must have been to shave her head, considering that her youngest child, Xiao Lulun, was not yet one year old at the time. They wondered whether she was already so intent on such a drastic change.

Some speculated that perhaps while she dined alone, she might have used her phone to reminisce about past romantic times with an old flame, reigniting feelings of love and excitement.

The distance between them seemed to only strengthen their connection, as they longed for each other from afar, reviving the sweet memories of their romance within the comfort of their own homes.

Others argued that as a top-tier celebrity, there was nothing untoward about hiring nannies to look after her children. After all, did having children mean she had to do everything herself?

Indeed, in more affluent households, employing nannies is a common practice. Why should this be considered wrong?

DaS's public persona centered around being inseparable from her children.

In the series "Triple Happiness," DaS portrayed herself as a mother who could not bear to be apart from her children for even a second, often breaking down in tears when separated. This portrayal of a “perfect mother” was seen by many as disingenuous. Her melodramatic performance was disappointing and indicative of a less-than-stellar actress.


The news of Wang Xiaofei and Zhang San's visit to the Century Hotel in Hangzhou in 2021 was also shared by Zhang San himself.

Ge Sqi also mentioned during his livestream that Zhang Yingying had provided information to reporters about her outings with Wang Xiaofei. On that particular trip to Hangzhou, they were the only two present.

However, the detailed information obtained by the paparazzi could not have come from Wang Xiaofei. It seems clear that Zhang Yingying was the source of the leak.

Zhang Yingying's reluctance to confront Ge Sqi.

Amusingly, Zhang Sansan was also streaming live at the same time. While the initial information about her came from Ge Sqi's stream, she did not mention him during her own broadcast, instead directing her ire towards Lan Jie.

Ge Sqi expressed a desire to connect with Zhang Yingying during his livestream, offering her a chance to clarify any connections she may have had with DaS.

However, Zhang Yingying chose to ignore the request, focusing instead on Wang Xiaofei. Could there be a hidden agenda behind her actions?

Yesterday, Zhang Yingying posted several messages on Weibo, criticizing the quality of Ma Liujì products. She also made a cryptic reference to "five phones in a safe!" It's unclear why Zhang Yingying would target Wang Xiaofei rather than addressing Ge Sqi directly, who was the one making the revelations!

Public sentiment.

Some netizens questioned why Zhang San would choose to be a mistress and pondered the state of her morals. If she claims to work hard and earn her own money, why would she opt to be a mistress? Why not date someone who is single? Some felt that none of these individuals were particularly virtuous. Who would record conversations and take screenshots during a normal relationship? If Wang Xiaofei wasn't a suitable partner, why pursue a relationship with him?

Others opined that Lan Jie always felt guilty for not being there for her son during his early years. The resolution of this situation might offer her son a fresh start and alleviate her feelings of guilt. They hoped that Wang Xiaofei would demonstrate the foresight and courage of an entrepreneur, grooming a successor capable of decisive action and overall control. Some noted that Wang Xiaofei didn't choose Zhang Yingying because she leaked private chat records between them. If he couldn't meet her demands, she expected financial compensation. This was seen as a sign of questionable character. Many expressed disdain, calling her a "terrifying mistress" who not only disrupted a marriage but also kept multiple phones as evidence, suggesting premeditated deceit.



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