影剧资源 娱乐八卦 黄子佼三度出庭,鞠了两躬,仨律师护驾拒访


On the 21st of August, as per reports from Taiwanese media, Huang Zijiao made his third appearance at Taipei District Court on the 20th. He arrived roughly ten minutes early and, while waiting, maintained a composed demeanor, sitting quietly with his gaze fixed inward. His three attorneys positioned themselves around him, subtly shielding him from the press and declining any interviews.


The hearing was brief, lasting only about half an hour. Following the session, his legal team addressed the gathered journalists, stating that during the trial process, Huang would refrain from making public comments and would fully respect the court's procedures. Huang Zijiao stood beside them, bowing twice, seemingly expressing his apologies for the inconvenience. The judge announced that the next hearing would be held on September 10th at 2:30 PM. As for whether his wife, Meng Gengru, would be summoned to testify, it has not yet been included in the court's schedule.



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